I miss the old NHS site where you could get info about several hospitals displayed all on one page so that you could compare their stats re their cqc report, waiting times etc. The way information is provided seems to have been downgraded which makes it more difficult to compare NHS hospitals.

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It is more than frightening that Dr. Foster was disbanded. The nhs has become a frightening “healthcare” institution. Why does France have such stellar healthcare, according to those I know who use it. Folks, you always have the right to pick up the phone and speak to the infection control nurse in the hospital your loved one is in, if their is a problem. No doctor, nor ward likes to be hunted down by the infection control nurse.

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The NHS site looks pretty good to me, although I can see that it would require some work to make it intelligible to many.

For instance, this page: http://rb.gy/hs81eu hints at the national variation of excess deaths. (Don't move too far away from the London commuter belt).

What this type of analysis cannot show is what is going wrong - that requires much more work on measuring the different processes in some detail. It is very worrying to me that few seem to understand how much effort that is going to take. There is no silver bullet.

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Sep 12Edited

The NHS used to publish around 600 measures on its own patient facing website (NHS.uk), it was called Find and Compare Services and you could do that, side by side - from the availability and cost of car parking to readmission rates, infections, mortality ratios, patient experience, staff views and more. Most were updated monthly or quarterly, some weekly or daily and some only annually. I know it well because I managed it's curation from 2009-2013 - it really wasn't perfect, but it was better than nothing. It was removed from the site in about 2019.

There has always been a debate about external scrutiny (like Dr Foster) vs internal monitoring, but I think they both have a place in the running of the NHS and also in the public domain. One shows what the NHS knows, the other provides additional checks and balances or can address info needs that the public have that the NHS simply doesn't have the resources or expertise to meet, the trick is to not get consumed by arguing about which number is 'right'.

I left the NHS a year ago and better use, and especially transparency, of data still feels like a big cultural shift, for the service and most of the people that use it. It is absolutely doable and it would be fantastic to see more useful and usable stuff in the public domain. Keep fighting the good fight Rory.

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Data for patients: Being present online as a public governor for an NHS Foundation Trust (CDDFT) I am often approached by members wishing to raise issues or seeking answers to questions. Edited by me, here is one of them - unusual, for whilst it raised an issue, it proposed a most interesting solution. https://stephentwistlifestyle.wordpress.com/2024/09/02/well-tell-you-when-we-choose-to-tell-you/

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You so say it as it is. I have NHS app. Only one of the three hospitals I have to be under, use the NHS app. They have their own non compatible patient portals. It is all I can do to make sure I keep my own notes as they cannot! What a horlicks. My own research work ( on continence) is hampered by the lack of proper coding and therefore inadequate data collection. It is all totally possible if only everyone would accept the need.

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I think that this hints at part of the problem: either an entity adopts the NHS app, changing all of its existing processes and data to work with it, or interoperability will fail.

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