Quite why anyone thinks nhs deserves saving is beyond me. Its model of finance came from Prussia 1870s. No other western or lib dem replicates this model. Yet to even suggest its an appalling failed model is akin to public heresy and invitez deluge of luddite comments. Lets be honest.

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Dec 2, 2023
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Free at the point of use is not synonymous with “NHS”. It’s a big con that we have allowed to happen. Who pays how and when is important, but it does not require a nationalised industry whose budget (£169bn / $215bn) is the same as the GDP of Greece (2022 UN est $214bn). There are many successful ways health services are provided across Europe and we would do well to explore how we might improve our healthcare system.

The NHS is too large and too cumbersome. Trying to install a single IT system is folly. It’s been tried but both the scope and the scale defeat all best efforts. It would be like insisting that every supermarket chain in the UK have the same systems. Or every bank. It took many many years to get there, but we can now withdraw cash from an atm anywhere in the world without having the same IT systems. So we know it’s achievable.

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Yep. Everyone knows nhs is rubbish. Everyone knows better alternatives exist. Everyone knows nhs isnt sustainable in its current format. Gvts simply lie. Endlessly. AI will revolutionize healthcare. Machines will diagnose disease and illness,and increasingly treat it. Robots will do more and more procedures. More folks will save and invezt in private care. Meanwhile the nhs sends me 3 letters over a month to say the same consultant appointment has been canx. Next available is march.

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I signed up to the UK Biobank years ago and more recently been wondering what use was made of the data I submitted. Good to hear it’s being put to good use!

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