My hypothesis is that they are not expecting anyone to actually buy it, but rather for Kindle Unlimited subscribers to download it for free. Even if they only read a few pages before they realise it's drivel, Amazon will still pay the publisher a few pence for the pages read. Repeat the exercise with enough zero-quality and zero-effort books and there's serious money to be made.

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Fascinating. I have read quite a few 'authorised' biographies that don't seemed fully 'aligned' with their subjects before. I put this down to the authors' desire to flatter and airbrush any unpalatable elements. But after this, I'm reconsidering.... ;oD

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As a writer who knows how hard it is to sell books, that's a very good question. I wonder if it's a scam prompted by opportunism - the technology exists to try it - rather than proven profit record?

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Maybe they are hoping to build up a list of people who are rich enough to buy books but dumb enough not to check the details. This could worth a lot to other scammers.

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This is quite scary, particularly for new writers starting out. That is not just a statement because I am now a curmudgeonly old woman😁, but a genuine concern. Sorry, if you can’t answer the question I definitely can’t.

Amazon recommended that biography to me as well. The front cover looked off so I didn’t bother looking any further. But I now wonder about all the recommendations

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