Last try - the first two attempts to reply to your sleep disorders item twitched and Disappeared into Cyberspace. Now I am resorting to speech to text a little probably be a pig here. I refuse to go back and correct this stuff because otherwise it defeats the object.
My first came across you on the movies and shakers podcast when recommended by a friend I tuned into mailbag one. Having said that I find the main symptom I have a party since now is intolerant and frustration. On the subject of sleep despite your academic and technical approach to gadgets I do have been a gadget freak in my time but I found that after years and years of experience it is all big sales pitch. At the end of the day the reader you get is only as good as the gadget report and the algorithms written by some spotty teenager who sleeps perfectly well after a half a cider and well you know for a while I rely on cross-checking two gadgets Huawei watch Health app or a withering is watch Health app and a within sleep pad. No the gave a similar readout although both said I slept better than I thought I had. The answer to the problem is sleep when you want to eat when you're hungry and do whatever else you're able to do when you can do it do not listen to gadgets
Apologies again, I meant that the sleep record you get is a result of the quality of sensor, the skill and imagination of he programmer, and a factor of the number you first thought of. Disregard and if you wake up in the morning, try and do what you always wanted to do before PD lifted the filters.
I was diagnosed with PD 17 years ago ... I am 65. I have been a terrible sleeper all my life. Interestingly, as I now really analyse my sleep patterns I find that I am sleeping more than I thought. Given that maybe lack of sleep is not the issue we think it...
I think advice not to read [a print book] in bed is downright silly (depending on choice of literature for the individual of course) but I think the fundamental attitude of those who come up with these ideas is clued in the term 'sleep hygiene'. Ugh. (FWIW I spend most of my life in bed and am usually asleep well within five minutes of turning out the light)
I can see that apps can be a corrective to 'didn't sleep a wink' but my own app thinks I sleep throughout every film I watch so they have their limits.
,Hello Rory, I've been following you on Twitter for sometime, the Cabbage Days, and although I don't have a Parkinsons Diagnosis I have found your comments on sleep interesting and useful. So some back ground, 2019 diagnosised with s4 Melanomia, 2 years of immuniotherapy went fine. 2022 diagnosed with a tumor of my right kidney, all clear. Then diagnosed with atril fibrilation and declining kidney function. Last winter insomina joined in and over christmas I was screaming up the walls. Tried Sleepio and it has gradually trained me to focus on the positive stuff. I still wake up during the night but I have stopped worrying about it and I stick to the routine. The Prof and Pavlov have certainly helped me. Thanks for everything and great work on the Newsletter and the Podcast. I am off Twitter by the way so I am no longer totally uptodate with your doings. Roland , Norfolk.
Last try - the first two attempts to reply to your sleep disorders item twitched and Disappeared into Cyberspace. Now I am resorting to speech to text a little probably be a pig here. I refuse to go back and correct this stuff because otherwise it defeats the object.
My first came across you on the movies and shakers podcast when recommended by a friend I tuned into mailbag one. Having said that I find the main symptom I have a party since now is intolerant and frustration. On the subject of sleep despite your academic and technical approach to gadgets I do have been a gadget freak in my time but I found that after years and years of experience it is all big sales pitch. At the end of the day the reader you get is only as good as the gadget report and the algorithms written by some spotty teenager who sleeps perfectly well after a half a cider and well you know for a while I rely on cross-checking two gadgets Huawei watch Health app or a withering is watch Health app and a within sleep pad. No the gave a similar readout although both said I slept better than I thought I had. The answer to the problem is sleep when you want to eat when you're hungry and do whatever else you're able to do when you can do it do not listen to gadgets
Apologies again, I meant that the sleep record you get is a result of the quality of sensor, the skill and imagination of he programmer, and a factor of the number you first thought of. Disregard and if you wake up in the morning, try and do what you always wanted to do before PD lifted the filters.
I was diagnosed with PD 17 years ago ... I am 65. I have been a terrible sleeper all my life. Interestingly, as I now really analyse my sleep patterns I find that I am sleeping more than I thought. Given that maybe lack of sleep is not the issue we think it...
I think advice not to read [a print book] in bed is downright silly (depending on choice of literature for the individual of course) but I think the fundamental attitude of those who come up with these ideas is clued in the term 'sleep hygiene'. Ugh. (FWIW I spend most of my life in bed and am usually asleep well within five minutes of turning out the light)
I can see that apps can be a corrective to 'didn't sleep a wink' but my own app thinks I sleep throughout every film I watch so they have their limits.
,Hello Rory, I've been following you on Twitter for sometime, the Cabbage Days, and although I don't have a Parkinsons Diagnosis I have found your comments on sleep interesting and useful. So some back ground, 2019 diagnosised with s4 Melanomia, 2 years of immuniotherapy went fine. 2022 diagnosed with a tumor of my right kidney, all clear. Then diagnosed with atril fibrilation and declining kidney function. Last winter insomina joined in and over christmas I was screaming up the walls. Tried Sleepio and it has gradually trained me to focus on the positive stuff. I still wake up during the night but I have stopped worrying about it and I stick to the routine. The Prof and Pavlov have certainly helped me. Thanks for everything and great work on the Newsletter and the Podcast. I am off Twitter by the way so I am no longer totally uptodate with your doings. Roland , Norfolk.