I just ordered the ebook.

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What an amazing story, love it. I will be looking out for your book.

When my dad died a few years ago I was sorting through his things and found neatly stored in a box all his RAF documents including his flight log book (he was a navigator). Cooly a calmly he had recorded recon flights over enemy territory as if were a leisurely day out. I'm always amazed to read about parents and what they did to support their children to keep them safe!

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oh, fantastic! I was wondering how the next book was going!

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I am reading your wonderful book. It has been lent up me by a friend who had read my own book (Interrogating Ellie, by Julian Gray, my pen name) written after discovering stuff about my mother in the Kew National Records Office. I am finding your book gripping. You are a terrific writer and you have a treasure trove if material!

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Thank you so much! As you can imagine the book is very close to my heart

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Looking forward to the book. I empathise with your brother. At age 16 I wanted to become an actor/writer and my father thought it was too effiminate and that I would come into contact with "strange types". I became a teacher instead. Would that I had had the support that your brother had to follow his ambitions and dreams!

Keep up the good work on Parkinsons.

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Fascinating insight. And the heroic figure in all this is of course..... Rory's mum.

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I’m looking forward to reading more about your mum Rory. Keep up the good parkIe work too which me Oscar and my mum find very helpful.

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Fascinating stuff!

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Clearly, performance was in the genes.

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