in reply to Jonathan ... The show isn't recorded because I want to perform it as many times as possible. This is so I can a) raise as much money as possible for individual Parky branches, and b) benefit from the fact that every time I perform it I feel FANTASTIC!!!!. I will record it at some point. Meanwhile, my documentary "Parkinson's: The Funny Side is permanently available on BBC iplayer.

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It's quite amazing how different people respond to PD and how much they can inspire others. My old friend Ben, newly diagnosed, told me 'I used to think PD was funny and now I don't' A bit of PM-A might have helped - is his show recorded?

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got it in one Rory, laughter is truly the best medicine. Could you do some research on this because I think it is really underestimated.

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Daisy. 🤪

(I finish the memory list as the neurologist starts asking me as I've been through it so many times)

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