Strategies are always great until the next strategy comes along, superseding the last.

I've used your recent article re whether data is the NHS' oil reserve with a couple of people recently, and what is agreed is that within the health system we have vast amounts of data, normally in stand alone silos, before we go collecting any more. Getting access to that data, or getting the systems that hold it to talk to each other seems to be the biggest issue.

If this was a commercial organisation I would expect that we would spend some time seeing if this data already existed, and if so how we accessed it as opposed to starting again (and again, and again...)

Data holds immense power to become a catalyst for preventative intervention, but only if we are brave enough to learn from it and act quickly on the findings - not spend years debating and reviewing.

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OFH Consent para 6

Researchers approved to access and store the information collected by Our Future Health could be from academic organisations, charities, or companies, in the UK or overseas.

The above seems far too open ended as it would appear to allow for any commercial utilization of the data in the future. Monitoring the further dissemination of data could also prove to be very difficult. It seems a pity that this study which could be incredibly useful is not solely conducted by the NHS and academic institutions

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The NHS patient data whether depersonalised or not is arguably one of the most valuable health databases globally (or would be if it was less fragmented). If access is to be shared with _overseas commercial organisations_, while there may be benefit to UK (and the world) in terms of new treatments I'm not at all happy at the prospect of US drug companies profiting from my medical history.

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