Enjoyed your article a lot. Animals are definitely a plus for boosting health (in all respects). I respect you enormously for your patience and perseverance with Sophie. How lucky she was to find you. My daughter adopted a rescue dog from Romania approx. 5 years ago. She was a little wild and energised to begin with. Over the months she settled and is a much loved dog, beautiful and elegant.
I thoroughly enjoyed the podcast about dogs. My dog, Hashtag named after the football club my son owns Hashtag United, was a huge help during the 7 weeks bed rest following my breaking my foot in three places. He saved me from my depression and now saves many when we visit care homes and hospitals as a Pets at Therapy Dog. The visits are also good at getting me up and out and doing something rewarding. People love a cuddle with him and he loves the biscuits they drop for him. I should change his name to Dyson as he cleans up really well 😀
Enjoyed your article a lot. Animals are definitely a plus for boosting health (in all respects). I respect you enormously for your patience and perseverance with Sophie. How lucky she was to find you. My daughter adopted a rescue dog from Romania approx. 5 years ago. She was a little wild and energised to begin with. Over the months she settled and is a much loved dog, beautiful and elegant.
I thoroughly enjoyed the podcast about dogs. My dog, Hashtag named after the football club my son owns Hashtag United, was a huge help during the 7 weeks bed rest following my breaking my foot in three places. He saved me from my depression and now saves many when we visit care homes and hospitals as a Pets at Therapy Dog. The visits are also good at getting me up and out and doing something rewarding. People love a cuddle with him and he loves the biscuits they drop for him. I should change his name to Dyson as he cleans up really well 😀