Thanks - what a stupid error. Now I’m out and need to work out how to edit Substack from my phone

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Nice one Rory, we should grab a beer some time

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Definitely! DM me on Twitter- I’m @ruskin147 - and I will give you my email address

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About X - I have only been on X for a couple of years. Before doing so I carefully chose who I would follow (mostly the dogs and cats) and a few well known and trusted commentators like yourself. That's how I came to hear about the amazing Sophie. The rest of X I ignore or block!

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Australian media finally taking notice of the story, especially the tech industry news outlets. Waiting on UK prosecutors for a decision could be long and frustrating. I feel they might just sweep it under the carpet.

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Delighted for us all that this case was so satisfactorily concluded. (Re: The Trump shooting is quite intriguing - I choose my words carefully. How did a man thrown out of his college shooting team shoot SO well?)

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Good article Rory. Just one typo - it is Mellor not Mellors.

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