Stay safe, Rory (always a bit of a silly comment, I think, but you know what I mean). Wishing you well on your ski-ing adventure and looking forward to the newsletter on your return. And I have an idea about technology for the blind and partially-sighted. . .

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Wishing you really top holiday and hoping that the skiing experiment proves positive/encouraging. Shall be very interested to hear your findings. (Have had a cerebellar stroke, plus 13 spine operations - All of which have left my left leg much weaker than the right)

Best wishes,

Ian 🎸

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I njoy, can I commend cross country skiing that doesn’t have the same need for regular turns

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Good on you, Rory. Ski well and enjoy the ride!

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Hope all goes well

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Enjoy your holiday! ⛷

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Have a blast. A seated ski should work or a Knee brace might help? If not Cross country or tea tray!

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Best of luck Rory and I hope that you enjoy the skiing. Look forward to hearing how you get on. Stay safe!!

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My worry is that you'll just end up going round in circles. Have fun anyway.

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Mine too!!

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Stay safe and avoid going round and round in circles......

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